
Hinge Prompts for a Winning Dating App Profile

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Looking for love online can be daunting, especially when it comes to crafting a standout dating app profile. With limited space and countless potential matches to compete with, it's crucial to make a great first impression. But where do you start? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we've compiled a list of sample prompts for Hinge that will help you showcase your personality, interests, and sense of humor on your dating app profile.

  1. About Me
  2. Date Vibes
  3. Lets Chat About
  4. Getting Personal
  5. My Type
  6. Self Care
  7. Storytime

About Me

I'm convinced that…

  • the best way to solve any problem is with a dance-off.
  • the only way to truly appreciate pizza is to eat it while wearing a onesie.
  • dogs are plotting to take over the world.

A life goal of mine…

  • is to finally figure out how to fold a fitted sheet.
  • is to own a house with a secret room behind a bookshelf.
  • is to find a way to make ice cream a healthy breakfast food.

This year, I really want to…

  • convince my friends that karaoke is a legitimate hobby.
  • try every flavor of ice cream at least once... but maybe not all in one sitting.
  • master the art of cooking without setting off the smoke detector.

Unusual skills…

  • I can make a mean grilled cheese sandwich.
  • I can perfectly recreate the sound of a dying giraffe. Want to hear it?

My greatest strength…

  • is my ability to remain calm in any situation... as long as there's no spiders involved.
  • is my ability to quote every line from The Office.
  • is my tremendous luck, which is probably what brought you to this profile.
  • is my impeccable taste in music.

My simple pleasure…

  • is waking up early on a Saturday and realizing I can go back to sleep.
  • is watching infomercials and wondering who actually buys those products.

My most irrational fear…

  • is butterflies. I know, it's weird.
  • is that I'll accidentally become a contestant on a reality TV show

The way to win me over is…

  • by knowing the secret handshake from "The Parent Trap" and performing it with me flawlessly. If you don't know it, we can't be friends... or more.
  • by revealing your secret identity as a superhero who saves the world from dull conversations and bad puns.

I recently discovered that…

  • my favorite movie from childhood is actually really terrible, and I'm not sure how to deal with this information.
  • I actually kind of like yoga, which is something I never thought I'd say.
  • I'm actually really good at karaoke, as long as I stick to the Spice Girls.
  • I'm actually a long-lost member of the royal family, but I'm still waiting for my invitation to the palace.

A random fact I love is…

  • the world's largest snowflake on record was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick.
  • that the longest word in the English language is actually "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis."
  • the fact that there's a type of bird that can mimic the sound of a chainsaw.

Typical Sunday…

  • I usually spend my Sundays training my army of squirrels to perform synchronized dance routines in the park. It's a work in progress.
  • Sundays are reserved for my weekly attempt to break the world record for the longest conga line. So far, my personal best is me, my neighbor, and a very confused mail carrier.

Dating me is like…

  • going on a treasure hunt - you never know what you're going to find, but it's always an adventure.
  • watching a sitcom – there's always laughter, and occasionally a heartfelt moment.
  • being in a romantic comedy, but without all the cliches... or the happy ending.
  • jumping into a ball pit, it's a little chaotic and you never know what's going to happen next.

I go crazy for…

  • people who can recite every line from The Princess Bride.
  • late-night snack runs to satisfy those midnight cravings.

Date Vibes

The best way to ask me out is by…

  • sending me a carrier pigeon with a note that says "Will you go out with me? Check yes or no."
  • hiring a skywriter to spell out "Date me?" in the clouds.
  • showing up at my door with a boombox playing "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel.

First round is on me if…

  • you can beat me in a game of rock-paper-scissors.
  • you can convince the bartender that you're a long-lost relative of the inventor of the cocktail. Extra points for creativity and commitment to the story.
  • you manage to slip more puns into our conversation than me.

What I order for the table…

  • a sampler platter of all the appetizers, because why choose just one?
  • a bottle of wine and a cheese board, because I'm fancy like that.

I know the best spot in town for…

  • competitive people-watching. Bring your bingo cards and let's see who can spot the most clichés first.
  • finding the most outrageous outfits in thrift stores and then staging an impromptu fashion show.

Together, we could…

  • start a wildly successful business selling socks with witty puns on them. Our slogan? Sock it to 'em!
  • create a podcast where we review the most absurdly named paint colors. "Mauvelous" and "Funky Yellow" are just the beginning.

Lets Chat About

I bet you can't...

  • guess how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
  • resist the urge to challenge me to a dance-off. Just a heads up, my signature move is the "Running Man" meets "The Worm" – it's a sight to behold.

The one thing I'd love to know about you is...

  • if you prefer pineapple on your pizza or not (this is a deal-breaker for me).
  • your go-to karaoke song. I need to prepare for our inevitable duet.
  • is your favorite type of cheese.

Let's debate this topic...

  • Taylor Swift: overrated or underrated? (I'll let you take the first stance on this one).
  • Is it acceptable to wear socks with sandals?
  • The best way to eat Oreos. Are you a dunker, a twister, or a whole-cookie eater?

Give me travel tips for...

  • visiting somewhere off the beaten path because I like to be adventurous.

Teach me something about...

  • a life hack that you swear by.
  • the secret lives of garden gnomes. I've always suspected they're up to something.

Let's make sure we're on the same page about...

  • our shared love for breakfast foods. Waffles or pancakes? The fate of our relationship hangs in the balance.
  • the appropriate number of pet llamas to own. I've got room in my backyard for at least three.

Change my mind about...

  • the superiority of cats over dogs. I'm open to a friendly debate, but be prepared for some strong feline arguments.
  • the existence of Bigfoot. I've got my hiking boots ready for a Sasquatch-hunting expedition.
  • the best flavor of ice cream. I'm a mint chocolate chip loyalist, but I'm willing to entertain other options.

Do you agree or disagree that...

  • cereal is a soup.
  • rollerblading should make a comeback?
  • pants are optional when working from home.

You should leave a comment if...

  • you know the best spot for stargazing
  • you're ready to embark on a quest to find the world's best taco. I'll bring the hot sauce.

Getting Personal

If loving this is wrong, I don't want to be right...

  • dad jokes...
  • socks with sandals...

My most controversial opinion is...

  • Nickelback is severely underrated and deserves more respect.
  • I think that cats are just tiny, furry landlords

The one thing you should know about me is...

  • I have a black belt in pillow fighting.
  • I'm a firm believer in the five second rule.

You should not go out with me if...

  • you're allergic to laughter and spontaneous dance parties.
  • you can't handle my obsession with finding the perfect avacado.
  • you're looking for someone who takes life way too seriously.

What if I told you that...

  • I've never lost a game of tic-tac-toe.
  • I once won a staring contest with a statue.

I geek out on...

  • doing escape rooms, because nothing is more thrilling than being "locked" in a room with a group of strangers.
  • creating elaborate conspiracy theories about reality TV shows.

Don't hate me if I...

  • eat the rest of the fries without asking.
  • serenade you with my kazoo skills.
  • insist on trying every single ice cream flavor before making a decision.

My Love Language is...

  • memes, gifs, and well-timed dad jokes.
  • creating personalized playlists for every mood.

I won’t shut up about...

  • the time I accidentally joined a flash mob.
  • my quest to find the world's best chocolate chip cookie.
  • my theory that pigeons are actually undercover spies.

The key to my heart is...

  • a well-placed pun and a shared love of breakfast foods.
  • being able to quote obscure movie lines on command.
  • a willingness to engage in impromptu lip-sync battles.

My Type

All I ask is that you…

  • don't hog the remote...or the last slice of pizza.
  • have a secret recipe for turning water into wine. It's a party trick I've always wanted to learn.
  • promise not to judge me for my extensive collection of designer socks. They're my guilty pleasure.

We'll get along if…

  • you don't judge me for occasionally eating cereal at 3am.
  • you can appreciate the subtle art of interpretive dance as a means of communication.
  • you're willing to engage in heated debates about which came first, the chicken or the egg.

I'll brag about you to my friends if…

  • you can recite the entire alphabet backward while standing on one leg.
  • you can name all the countries in the world in under 5 minutes.

The hallmark of a good relationship is…

  • being able to communicate using only eyebrow movements.
  • a shared love for watching paint dry – it's an underrated pastime.
  • knowing each other's coffee order by heart, even if it's a ridiculously complicated one.

Green flags I look for…

  • a mutual appreciation for the fine art of napping.
  • a shared belief that breakfast foods are acceptable at any time of the day.
  • an unwavering commitment to finding the best taco joint in town.

Something that's non-negotiable for me is...

  • a strict adherence to the "five-second rule" when it comes to dropped food.
  • a mutual understanding that "Netflix and chill" actually means watching Netflix and chilling.
  • a shared love for karaoke, even if we're both terrible singers.

I want someone who…

  • can teach me how to moonwalk like Michael Jackson.
  • is spontaneous...let's go on a midnight ice cream run!

We're the same type of weird if…

  • you also have a secret handshake with your pet.
  • you've ever wondered if aliens have their own version of reality TV.

I'm weirdly attracted to…

  • people who can wiggle their ears – it's a rare and fascinating talent.
  • anyone who can pull off wearing a monocle without looking pretentious.
  • those who can speak in multiple accents, making every conversation an international adventure.

Self Care

My friends ask me for advice about…

  • what to do when you accidentally send a risky text to the wrong person.
  • the best way to avoid responsibilities.
  • the secret to eternal youth.

When I need advice, I go to…

  • my dog - she always looks like she knows what she's doing, plus she's a great listener.
  • my Magic 8-Ball. It's never wrong, except when it is.
  • the fortune cookies from my local Chinese takeout. They're surprisingly insightful.

My self-care routine is…

  • taking long walks to the fridge and back.
  • binge-watching cooking shows while eating cereal straight from the box.

I feel most supported when…

  • my pants have an elastic waistband.
  • I'm surrounded by a fortress of pillows.
  • my Wi-Fi signal is at full strength.

Therapy recently taught me…

  • that I should probably stop trying to diagnose myself with WebMD.
  • that my spirit animal is a combination of a sloth and a golden retriever.
  • how to say "no" to others and "yes" to more pizza.

I hype myself up by…

  • pretending I'm the star of my own personal music video.
  • giving myself a pep talk in the mirror, complete with finger guns.
  • listening to my "I'm a boss" playlist, which is just "Eye of the Tiger" on repeat.

I get myself out of a funk by…

  • watching funny cat videos until I forget what I was upset about.
  • blasting my favorite tunes and having a solo dance party.
  • eating my feelings, one chocolate chip cookie at a time.

The last time I cried happy tears was…

  • when I found that missing sock I thought was gone forever.
  • when I discovered my favorite snack was buy one, get one free.
  • when I finally won a game of Monopoly after a 6-hour marathon.

A boundary of mine is…

  • I don't do small talk at parties. I either need deep philosophical discussions or a dance floor, nothing in between.
  • not sharing my fries. Get your own, buddy!
  • refusing to participate in trust falls. Gravity and I have trust issues.
  • keeping my personal bubble intact. No close talkers, please.

To me, relaxation is…

  • listening to ASMR videos of people whispering even though I still don't know why they're popular.
  • canceling plans to stay home and do absolutely nothing.
  • taking a nap so good, I wake up not knowing what year it is.
  • wearing sweatpants and pretending I'm a potato.

My therapist would say I…

  • have a PhD in overthinking.
  • am a professional at dodging serious questions with humor.
  • should probably stop trying to make "fetch" happen.

My last journal entry was about…

  • my quest to find the perfect avocado at the grocery store.
  • the emotional rollercoaster of assembling IKEA furniture.
  • the time I accidentally joined a cult, but it turned out to be a Zumba class.

I wind down by…

  • watching reruns of my favorite sitcoms and reciting the lines along with the characters.
  • engaging in some light interpretive dance to smooth jazz.
  • creating a blanket fort and declaring myself ruler of my cozy kingdom.

My cry-in-the-car song is…

  • "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" by R.E.M. because nothing says 'I'm not okay' like 90s indie rock.
  • "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton because nothing cheers you up like a song about a father mourning the loss of his child, right?
  • "Bohemian Rhapsody" – It's a rollercoaster of emotions, and I'm here for the ride.


Biggest risk I've taken…

  • trying to cook dinner without a recipe, a fire extinguisher, or adult supervision.
  • I quit my job and decided to travel around the world for a year.
  • I went on a solo backpacking trip in a foreign country without knowing the language.

Best travel story…

  • that time I accidentally ended up in Antarctica and became best friends with a penguin named Steve.
  • when I got lost in the supermarket and ended up discovering a hidden aisle full of unicorns and rainbows.
  • my journey to the center of the Earth, where I discovered that it's actually made of chocolate.

Worst idea I've ever had…

  • trying to invent a new dance move called "The Flailing Octopus."
  • trying to create a new fashion trend by wearing socks on my hands.

Never have I ever…

  • been crowned the king of a small, undiscovered island.
  • successfully completed a game of Monopoly without losing friends.
  • found Waldo in less than 30 seconds.

One thing I'll never do again…

  • enter a hot sauce chugging contest.
  • attempt to break the world record for most consecutive hours spent watching infomercials.

My biggest date fail…

  • I accidentally called my date by the wrong name all night.
  • mistaking my date's pet for a decorative pillow.
  • accidentally taking my date to a mime convention instead of a comedy show.
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